Thursday, January 14, 2010

Vertically Split Islands

One of the most valuable lessons in elementary school (and high school) is geography. Many may think it is totally useless and can't even locate Washington DC on the world map. Come on. It is part of your education. With a good understanding of geography, you will understand world event better.

It takes fairly amazing technological breakthroughs to figure out what kind of world we live in. A few hundred years ago people thought the world was flat! The very fact that America is named that way is because of the guy selling maps of America was named Amerigo.

I thank my dad for showing me a world map and make that a poster. As a child, I immediately noted that ooh, Africa and South America match like pieces of puzzles. Ooh Taiwan seems split off from mainland China. Japan and Mainland seem to match somewhat too. The lands of the world all seems like soap bubbles when I stir them around in a sink: they combine and split off as it spin. Yes, that's the plate tectonic theory. But I did not guess that India actually split from Antartica and traveled long distance to crash into China and creating the tallest mountain in the world.

How does land travel? It doesn't float like a ship. Volcano explosions and earthquakes move them, little by little.
And yes, the earth has been around for millions of years to move that far. Only fairly recently we use up its resources so fast.

As a kid, I noted the horizontal border between USA and Canada, and also noted there are 2 vertical split islands in the world: Haiti/Dominican Republic, and Indonesia/New Guinea.

Earthquake hit the half-split island that contains Haiti, otherwise we don't hear much about this place.

Mother nature is especially harsh during earthquakes... thousands die, and survivors become homeless, and lost everything. And it can happen anytime.

I read that two halves Haiti/Dominican Republic fight a lot in the past. Natural disaster is not so preventable, but human disaster is. I hope the relationship on this island would improve.

Geography gives you a graphical view of the world. Everyone should know some basics, though you don't have to be able to name every country in the world.

I also do not believe in asking kids to remember a Hashmap of states and capitals (and then test them) Yes, I still remember some of this info Alabama->Montgomery, Alaska->Juneau, etc. But they don't need to be in my head.

1 comment:

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