Thursday, January 21, 2010

Massachusetts gets Republician senator

Massachusettes now gets a Republicaion senator since 1972. The new senator is now an instant celebrity.
And the news says "Analysis: GOP sees Mass. win as stop sign for Dems.
Come on, what kind of analysis you need for this obvious implication?

If Edward Kennedy is going to live a few more years, will people elect him again in next election?
My guess is: yes, because he has been in this seat for so long.

Here is the American way: tired of Republician? vote Democrat. Tired of Democrat? vote Republician.
At least the voters get a chance to choose.

But: neither party seem to have solutions that make everyone happy. Just time wasted with no progress.
Ideally senators don't vote on party line, but really take a good look at the plans and decide on their own.

Congressmen: you are voted to serve those who voted for you. Don't let your evil desires for mistresses rule over you. Shame on you! John Edwards

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