Friday, June 18, 2010

Children and Cost

I am sure you heard it before. Children are expensive. It will cost you $222,360 before he goes to college. See news item here.

Sure it will cost you $. Imagine this: SAVE that $222,360 with 0 kids. What are you going to do with that money?

Stop griping! You are not going to count that money and bill your kid when he turns 18 right?

That daycare is expensive? Sure. how about this: after you break your wallet paying for it, when your kids grow up, you OPEN a daycare in your neighborhood to collect that $ back. There are too few of these anyway (and that's why they are so expensive.)

Can't do anything about expensive diapers and formula other than buying as big pack as you can.

Considering the environmental friendly cloth diapers? See you are complaining expensive but unwilling to take a little sacrifice.

But the real problem is this: job market is diminishing... it's hard for daddy & mommy to find work!

If I have $222,361, I don't mind spending $222,360 to raise my kid, and I won't gripe.

A world full of old people with $222,360 is too depressing. Kids I welcome you.

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