Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Preparing Clergy for War

There are army clergy in training for war.

I am not exactly sure why clergy need to expose to danger and it is kinda crazy to proclaim "Love others as thyself" and then either sprinkle enemies with bullets (or run away from it). Well they are there to perform funeral service for the fallen.

I love the "Love others as thyself" part and I have some difficulty with the "God will deliver me to the promise land so let's kill all the enemies" messages.

If the entire country is to sit down for a sermon, the topic should be this, "Look, let's find a way for peace".

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Washington Monument Cracked

Oh wow, earthquake hit the east coast and cracked the : Washington Monument.

When there is a earthquake the first thing I look at is the magnitude, if it is under 7, it probably doesn't do much harm.

Washington has a lot of memorials and the Washington Monument is quite unique...
I do not understand why the monument has to look like that. Perhaps it is a missile in disguise! (Ok, that's probably not the case)

Every American should know this about Washington: he was not the first American president! Sure, Washington was first president under the Constitution, but the Constitution was not the first document that runs the country.

Remember the Article of Confederation? Read about the forgotten presidents before Washington here.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

3/4 not ready for college

Today's Sun Times headline says,
Three of four state grads not ready for college, ACT scores show.

The article itself focus on science, the Related Documents give you more data in details. Yes, this is quite depressing for Illinois.

But is the ACT really a good predictor of college success?

That science test (when I took it) was merely a reading comprehension kind of test. Does it really measure science knowledge?

ACT Math is very easy. Come on teen, you can do this. I hate the term "college algebra" there is nothing college about it.

The English part is very reasonable. It tests your understanding of grammar rules and it is something you can actually prepare for, unlike crazy antonym test of arcane words you have not seen nor will ever see in the SAT.

How come we have 2 tests for college admission? I vote we whack the SAT and embrace the ACT. SAT scoring was 2*Verbal+Math. That is DISCRIMINATION to math!

Google honors Fermat

Look, Google honors Fermat and the Fermat's Last Theorem:

It is 410th birthday, I wonder if there is any significance to this number.
Read more here if you like.

Fermat's Last Theorem looks somewhat like the Pythagorean Theorem, but no triangle is involved here. No integers will make this equation work if n>2. xn+yn=zn. Of course n=2 is the Pythagorean Theorem and you know 3-4-5 is a Pythagorean Triple.

People tend not to know anything else with Fermat... he has a lot of significant contributions to Number Theory, which makes people believe he actually had a marvelous proof.

All students interested in math should take Number Theory... and you don't need to know anything about calculus to succeed... Much of Number Theory deal with integers only.

You will then able to explain: why can you determine if a number is divisible by 9 by adding up the digits to see if that is divisible by 9. Example: 6561 is divisible by 9 because 6+5+6+1 = 18 is divisible by 9.

Ok, is someone going to say, so what?

The answer is this: so you know something about the numbers and it is cool to say "congruent modulo".

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Raising Boys

Raising Boys is a great book for parents of boys. I listen to James Dobson "Focus On the Family" on the news radio when I commute to work a decade ago. I admire his ability to communicate ideas so effectively through radio and writing.

In this book, he painted a horrible picture describing the hostile environment for boys to grow up. The disappearing father role, feminism, failing school systems, and um, lifestyles different from the traditional family make it difficult to raise boys to become upright men.

The father... is so important for boys. Come on, guys, don't abandon your kids. Statistics paint horrible picture: kids without fathers are likely to be resentful criminals. Even if the fathers don't provide food and shelter, some fathers don't pay enough attention to the boys. There is an account of the author talking to a 50+ year old man, in tears, telling him the story of his father not ever show up in his football games and even if he does, he didn't stay to watch him play. Look dads, pay attention to your kids achievements!

Idiot dads think they'll spoil kids if they give them encouraging words when they win something. WRONG. I WILL tell my son I am proud of him if he accomplishes something, and I WILL show up in his sports events (or chess tournaments) if he is into those.

Look, the family structure is so important. The statistics of the number of single mom/dad families are quite saddening. Yes, there are arguments, but please don't give up taking care of the kids.

Failing school systems bother me. I shake my head whenever I read statistics about dropouts and that kids are so incapable. Some of the teachers are gosh so incapable that they can't even divide fractions. COME ON. The public elementary schools do the same stuff year after year and students still don't know anything.

Dobson believes school can wait, and home schooling is great. He thinks some boys are not capable of sit still and listen until older, and all they can get from schools are ideas that promote feminism and homosexuality agendas and therefore hostile. I beg to differ on this point: I do not think the parents should act dual roles as teachers and kids need to learn how to get along with other kids.

Yes, boys need parents, especially a loving father.

Good fathers already knows this, and most bad fathers probably never read something like this.

You do not need to be a PhD or read volumes to find out how to be a good parent. Your parents probably didn't read a whole lot about parenting either (and yet you turn out to be a reasonably good kid right?) If you grew up correctly, you know what to do. It is instinct.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Goodbye DOS EDIT

The good old DOS Editor is gone in Windows 7. You cannot type "edit foo.txt" anymore to create a quick text entirely in DOS prompt. Yes, you can use notepad nowadays.

Before there was fullscreen editor in DOS, there was edlin, and I never used it.

The MS-DOS editor made sense, and ooh you can even use the mouse. It was HUGELY BETTER than the Unix vi. Ok, it is a matter of preference. :wq!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Fairwell bookstores

Bookstores are great to-go places, for kids and adults. Reading bring so much enrichment to life as we read know-hows and wisdom from authors.

However, the uprising of the internet shopping caused bookstores to suffer because of the low prices that real stores cannot offer. (Look, online stores have no staff to feed and no rent to pay). And now, electronic readers have come along, the demand for paper copies is even less.

Bookstores have suffered to a point of collapse. The Borders stores are closing soon.

Sorry Borders, I admit browsing books at your store and buy them online.

Now with the GOING OUT OF BUSINESS signs hanging, I decided to buy a book from you. I bought Garry Kasparov's Checkmate Tactics. I browsed through this excellent book months ago and it was still there. That is exactly the reason why stores are closing. No one is buying! This is my first chess book ever. It is excellent and when I am done I'll write a review.

I also bought Prime Obsession to read about the Prime Number Theorem and the great unsolved problem: the Reimann Hypothesis.

Although at a discounted price, I still would pay less on Amazon. But I decided to give this extra dollars to Borders, to thank it for providing me a place to read, to wander into.

Although movies are all over on the internet, it hasn't yet killed the theater, for the social aspect for it. (Mr. Rights need to take Ms. Right candidates some place right?) Unfortunately it has killed most bookstores.

Transformer 3 done wrong

The movie makers still don't know the Transformers after the 3rd time around.

First, Sentinel Prime is a fresh good idea for the movie. We have already seen the martix before. But primes are supposed to be the ultimate good guys and should not overshadow the evil of Megatron. Ok, for something brand new, perhaps using Sentinel Prime as evil is ok. Megatron is a complete wimp in this movie. Come on.

Waita minute Sentinal, just why do you want the space bridge to bring Cybertron over? The movie makers do not even have a complete storyline.

If Sentinal Prime is going to be the bad guy, why doesn't he take the matrix when Optimus offers it?

The first hour of the movie is nonsense human activity that can be collapsed to 5 minutes. And when the actions come, the robots lack reason to cause mayhem and they lack character. Come on, Shockwave isn't a wacky snakelike drill. Starscream is the most interesting decepticon with an interest to overthrow Megatron that all 3 movies don't bother to build upon this. 3 movies... where are the Combiners? The vacuum Devastor from the second movie does not count. Where are the dinobots. I won't bother asking to see Omega Supreme and Metroplex.

After 3 movies, the movie makers still don't understand the character of Optimus Prime. (Giving him a jetpack is a good idea, though) That last scenes is too short too brutal. Optimus and Megatron are arch rivals of millions of years, if Optimus can ax him up singlehandedly that should have happened million years ago. Optimus shooting the defeated Sentinel? Come on, only Decepticons are brutal, as seen in Megatron killing the 4 autobots in the 1986 movie. Outrageous! Optimus Prime deserves some respect. He should forgive Sentinel (and that makes the autobots heroic). Megatron (Galvatron) should be thrown out (not destroyed) like in the 1986 movie.

Where the heck are the teamwork of the autobots? What the heck are the 2 small autobots with one of them smoking? Perhaps the last scene should be Bumblee and others rush to help and Decepticons retreat (like good old cartoons). With the Decepticons defeated, perhaps the autobots can use that space bridge to go back to Cybertron to build a new golden age to end everything nicely (The 1986 movie has done that).

Rosie is awesome (but too skinny), I like her better than Megan Fox.