Monday, August 21, 2017

I missed the eclipse

So the once-a-lifetime eclipse has come and gone.

It is Monday, I need to work you know, I do have a window behind me at the office... I expected to feel a moment of darkness or strangeness. Nope. Didn't even feel it. Well I was watching my computer too. So yes I missed it.

Well given plenty of people recorded the whole thing and I already know what an eclipse looked like so I did not miss a lot.

Now eclipse used to be an omen... and I am surprised so few doomsday sayers say perhaps evil guys would launch nuclear bomb on this day. I am glad it is not the end of the world yet.

Now what I still don't understand is... the moon circle around the earth quite a lot right? Should eclipse happen a lot more frequently? (Well it does, only at particular part of the world that is happening though).

And, it is REMARKABLE that astronomy predicts the path and time of eclipse. Look anybody out there still say math is useless?!

Ok eclipse is no big deal you say? This eclipse is a big deal for scientists to study the sun.... and Mercury too See

Why do we care? Without people studying things you would still think a Sky Dog eating the sun telling you something bad going to happen, and you are still center of the universe. It is understanding that we seek here.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Can the mayor manage Chicago?

So the governor has refused to give funding to CPS... Who is the good guy, who is the bad guy here?

So, the governor refuse to help Chicago because their pension thing is out of control: why shall the rest of Illinois pay for that? (I agree...)
So, the mayor thinks the governor is playing with politics and refused money... come on give the money so school can open! (I agree too!)

Waita minute, that seems contradictory here before you take side on mayor vs governor, read this:

There is GOTTA BE solution to this. Other cities can run schools how come we are so bad at it?

If money is not there what does the mayor do? Borrow money at high interest to cover the cost so schools can stay open! Now THAT'S definitely not the right thing to do. But there is little alternative if money isn't there.

Without money we will just be further down in debt... perhaps the governor should provide money, but some criteria can be given so that CPS can be fixed up in some way?

Perhaps schools can no longer be free! Parents need to pay! (Just don't look for re-election next time around)

Ok CPS is a mess, what are alternatives? Private schools are outrageous expensive not so affordable. After you pay for it it would ask for fundraising nonstop. Between free and outrageous expensive, there needs to be some middle ground...

Well I don't have solution for this, do you? But is the city managing its money wisely, is this city run right? Would the other candidate who ran against the mayor do a better job?

Text to Death

So there is a young girl who keep pushing her young boyfriend to die.... by texting.

You can see the full text here:

Now after reading the thing... I still don't understand why girl keep telling him just-have-to-do-it.

A typical suicide would be awww-ms-right-leaving-me-for-another-being, lost purpose of life. But this isn't the case here. There is still 'I love you', and 'I love you too' message exchange'. Why she does not rest until he die?

Oh, so this case is quite complex, both had some pyschological issues and on psychiatric medications: See details in

I don't understand why a great athlete with high GPA has social anxiety and depression. That itself is complex and so-call-experts only pretend to understand. This is tragic.

Actually, tragic for both families.

Now, really, watch what you email or text, it is in the logs.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Best Burger and Fries?

So there is a restaurant I heard that have boast "the Best Burgers and Fries". It won many awards as posted on its windows. They are not all over the place like big chain restaurants... ok I found one and decided to try.

Ok what do we have here: burger at $7.95 and fries at $2.95. Gee, expensive. But if it really is very very good then it is worth it. The regular burger actually contains 2 patties. Then should have called it double hamburger.

Oh and this place even let you eat free roast peanuts, and they ARE good. but the good stops here.

The meat is like any burger meat, nothing special, only lower end. It is greasy, making the bun soggy. McDonald's burger meat taste better. If you do bbq at home you did a better job.

The fries? I hate soggy fries with skin on. Hand cut you say? what's the difference. A TON of salt on it. Ridiculous. McDonald's taste better. Burger King taste better. Your frozen fries from freezer microwaved will taste better.

Terrible $10+ spent on the burger and fries. If I went for a coke I'll be $3 poorer.

What's wrong with these so call food review people out there. Not ever buy from these guys again.