Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Computer Customer Manifesto

Here are my demands:
  • I need a computer that responds.
  • When I put it to sleep I move the mouse you wake up. (within a second)
  • When I open up it is ready to take my login/password. (within a few seconds)
  • When I hit login it takes me to the Desktop screen. (within a few seconds)
  • When I hit the Windows (Start) button the menu shows (within a few seconds)
  • When I hit the Chrome task bar icon it opens. (No I SSTTILL won't use your Edge browser)
  • When I mouse click a URL bar you blink and ready for my text
  • When I hit enter you go to the webpage I want and come back with stuff within a few seconds

And my Dell (with good ratings) simply CANNOT EVEN DELIVER THAT. (It is just 3 years old)

I don't even require you to run any games or any dev tools.

It is still $400+ bucks. Do I need a thousand bucks computer to do even simple stuff.

There is no heavy stuff even installed on it. No background tasks that I make it do. Just what the hell are you spinning about. Why you suddenly starts to work sometimes after like 5 MINUTES of churning.

Why do you spin around and demand Windows updates, so often. It needs to beg its master (me)'s permission first!

Get a Chrome book you say? Well I need a good file system. Get Ubuntu you say? Rest of family don't know how to use it. Get a Mac you say? I hate its wacky interface. I need software that makes sense like Windows Explorer not Finder. I need a simply notepad and paintbrush and you macs don't even have that. One idea I heard is get a Mac but run Windows on it with a virtual machine. Interesting idea. But how much is the Mac? and I need a valid copy of Windows? It breaks my budget.

I have given Dell enough chances.

Why is that an insult

There is no escape. Everywhere you go (on the web). Your phone notifcations. Your TV. Everywhere. Anywhere. You see that Ruth Bader Ginsburg is gone and Trump get another chance to pick another judge. Presidents don't get chance to appoint a Supreme Court judge until one of them died or retired (with Senate approval). And media is all over it again. Now if you ask me, the constitution's check and balance is totally useless as it will be along party line. Trump gets to pick anybody he wants. And guess what, every anti Trump guy is pushing wait til election. What if Trump win? want to wait another election? There is absolutely nothing in the Constitution that says you got to wait til next election if it is close to one. So yes, I think it is perfectly fine to appoint a judge now.

Now this RBG is so big a deal that you can't escape coverage of her accomplishments. Sure she went to law school when not many other women go to law schools. (But did she remove a ban for women to go to law school?) All that sex discrimination is not just RBG one person's work right? and that is done already and no one is going to reverse it right?

And getting a conservative judge would be an "ultimate insult" Why would that be an ultimate insult?

Is Barrett going to put women in cages? I don't think so. Is she reversing gender pay so women only make 50 cents for every dollar? I don't think so either.

Now about abortion. Why is there no more discussion allowed about such act of killing babies legalization? Ok you want a boy, ultrasound says it is a girl are you going to kill that girl? Ok you want a girl, ultrasound says it is a boy are you going to kill that boy? Dumb teenagers get pregnant and you kill the innocent babies within?

Let the constitution do its work. Let judges with different views come in, through the consitutional process.