Wednesday, December 21, 2016

4 Terror Attacks in 2 Days

There are 4 terror attacks in 2 days.

Almost too many to even read about and keep track of... the world is getting unstable! Allepo crisis isn't over yet and you got a guy running truck into crowd, shooting ambassador in public, suicide bombing... all within a couple days... close to Christmas when the world is supposed to sing and rejoice.

Is this coming to and end? I am afraid not. More of these will come and no solutions in sight. Is Bomb the sh*t out of them going to work? Look America you elected a guy who says that. Does it sound like a plan from someone with some wisdom?

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Election finally over

The 2016 Election finally ended. Trump still win.

Despite all that recount vote effort, 2.9 million more popular votes, Hillary still lost. Most electors (how do they get selected?) simply go with what they were supposed to vote for based on winner-take-all rule for your state.

See here for more wackiness of this election. What? Ron Paul got a vote? What? John Kasich got a vote, even Bernie Sanders got a vote. They aren't even running. Those other 2 candidates Johnson and Stein didn't get any (and should probably remain that way). Those deviant electors are doing something completely useless.

So this is it, America. We have to give Trump the presidency.

Next item is the inauguration on Jan 20.

There are people jumping up and down in joy celebrating Trump's win saying he is God chosen and all that and saying their prayers answered.

Getting global warming denier as head of EPA... getting the oil tycoon as secretary of state? There are still people jumping up and down praising God for Trump victory.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Reacting to React.js

I've heard this too many times: "I've used React.js and Angular and I liked them." Ok... Angular... I mean Angular 1...I've looked at it before. Angular 1 is now passé. Now there a completely different animal known as Angular 2. Yes, completely different.. that requires a Microsoft created (surprised?) Typescript thing. Check that out

Angular 1 is actually not too bad... but as with some other javascript framework the goodness of chrome debug and Firebug will be tossed as so many things are done behind scene for data-binding and magic substitutions taking place.

Now let's look at React.js. It has some wacky looking JSX that mixes HTML and somewhat C++ like stuff, and basically requires Nodes.js (so does Angular 2) and need to install a lot of stuff. See for a tutorial.

I fail to share enthusiasm. Big learning curve.. what's the benefit? And it requires a server (like Node.js). Look if you do that much on server side why don't you go hefty server side with Java (or .NET). Waita minute this isn't exactly a MVC framework like Angular... it is for breaking your thing into "components". See (uh hem, who are you calling stupid?)

So this isn't something I need now (probably will never need). But I needed to look it up so I understand what people are talking about.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Lorem Ipsum

You have probably seen "Lorem Ipsum" text. Dummy non-sense text used in demo webpages and stuff... See for glorious details about this.

There are plenty of Lorem Ipsum generators out there. But if you want more interesting dummy text, you can try these.

Another interesting but not-so-dummy text is "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog". You may have seen this in font-choosing dialogs. That's one sentence using all 26 alphabets. Impressive. Not sure if any other sentence out there with this amazing property.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

How do you backup?

I haven't figured this out yet... how do you backup all your photos?

Solution 1: Get it on external hard drives they are so cheap now. Problem solved. good bye.

Solution 2: Throw it up on the cloud. Problem solved. good bye.

Solution 3: Make some CDs. (Not going to spend hours and hours for that, won't consider)

1) Yes, external hard drives are so spacious and cheap now. But they don't last forever, yes they will probably last at least a few good years. Now how can I have some redundancy, like copy everything from drive 1 onto drive 2. Good old

diskcopy a: b: 
from DOS? My Windows 10's Explorer won't even honor cross drive copying if your folder is more than a Gig or so. (It will just not respond to the drag). But it is cumbersome to have to keep copying as you get more things on drive 1 to want to duplicate in drive 2. There are external drive cloners like you plug in two hard disks (like Atari cartridges) and clone ... but is there anything that duplicates USB external drives? The world needs a device that offers 2 usb slots, a button, and boom, duplicate it for me. (Haven't found this yet)

2) Everyone offers you free storage on the cloud. Google Drive, Microsoft One Drive, dropbox, etc. But it is just a few gigs. You need at least a few hundred gigs if you have a few years of photos. The cost isn't that high but still is some money. See

But some may not be comfortable to put all your private photos on the web. There are various backup tools out there to automatically sync your computer to the cloud... again, putting everything you have on the cloud? But all at a cost... there are some free tools but I am afraid of malware.

How do you backup your stuff?