Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Coffee Cups

If you buy coffee-to-go, you typically get 3 delivery methods.
1. Cup delivered to you with coffee, creams added for you (McDonald's)
2. Cup delivered to you with coffee, you add cream yourself (Starbucks, Dunkin)
3. EMPTY cup, you walk over to the pots and pour your own coffee. (Corner Bakery, some BK)

I don't like empty cup given to me. Come on, I have to do that work myself? What is it to prevent me from taking my own cup to pour? or do a refill? (Ok, it doesn't look good to go to the police station for this)

For the sake of environmental friendless, if coffee places gives me a 10 cent discount if I bring my own cup, that should instantly bring you more publicity and business!

I don't need that paper sleeves... it is unneeded garbage.

1 comment:

Alex Mak said...

I had exactly that in college cafeteria 20 years ago. Buy a school cup, get a discount. I liked my red cup.

But cheap plastic gets scratched fast, and coffee love to hang out and leave a stain forever.