Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Go to the classics for name ideas

Congrats to the HK multi-millionaire who gets THREE new grandsons... from a surrogate mother.
News here. The father specifically wanted sons to inherit that big business. Ok, let's put aside moral debates of whether this is right or not right (legnthly heated debates if we go there)

I'd like to talk about the names: 智信、智仁、智勇. This comes right off of Chapter 1 of the Art of War, 孫子兵法, the 5 qualities of a general.


These are PERFECT names!

That's among the list of names I wanted to use for my son. But I only get less than lukewarm or even negative feedback when I say it out loud. The classics is source for excellent names. Unfortunately today's people are uneducated.

Ok, these kids will grow up to have EVERYTHING... except there is no mother. Will they ever attempt to look for their birth mother when they grow up?

1 comment:

Alex Mak said...

These from Art of War are indeed excellent names;

The Hui brothers also have excellent names. 文武英傑