Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mom's lesson and Pentagon bullets

Bullets were shot in the Pentagon, fortunately no one is killed, and no one seems to know what happened. Come on, this is the Pentagon, it should be the most secure place in the world? While it is hard to prevent a plane crash into it like 911, but at least there should be security camera and stuff that recorded surroundings to see what happened or even see who shot those bullets.

When I was a kid, my mom told me this: "don't ever throw anything out the window or do bad things! so many eyes are out there, somebody will know happen and catch you!"
This is a great lesson for kids, but unfortunately has a bit of distance from reality.
I assure my mom I won't throw things out the window and hit somebody.

Never mind solar panels on the White House, install more security cameras around the important buildings!

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