Thursday, April 1, 2010

Outrageous comment and fundraising?

The vice president thought he is off microphone and made an outrageous comment

As he was stepping away from the podium, the vice president leaned in to Obama and said, "This is a big f***king deal."

See here for details.

Come on, as a public figure, you just don't use that kind of language. Whether it is or is not a BFD is under endless debate. But it is not debatable that this is outrageous. I think the fellow Americans deserve an apology of some sort.

Oh, and the Democrats are going to raise funds selling BFD T-shirts? Unbelievable.

Then why not lift the ban of profanity words on TV, and let the f-word flow in every conversation. America has just degraded themselves to a bunch of lowly uneducated people.

1 comment:

Alex Mak said...

And the former IL governor says that the Senate seat is f-ing golden.

Where is the class for statesmen that are suppose to represent us?