Monday, April 26, 2010

Hawking on Aliens

Stephen Hawking thinks aliens are dangerous. News says. He compares with Columbus and the Native Americans.

I agree. And I am no rocket scientist nor astrophysicist.
See, the farthest we can go is the moon, and outer space aliens must be much more advanced. But if the aliens are so advanced, they don't need to mind the earth.

And that's the very plot of many science fiction and cartoon? Well in science fiction, there must be a earth-saving protagonist! Our protectors may be from space themselves! Like the Autobots!

I played Space Invaders since the 1970s. If they come in arrays and I have a cannon I am ready as I have decades of experience!

Don't worry. Invaders are not attacking us yet. Worry about earthlings attacking other earthlings first.

1 comment:

Alex Mak said...

Mr Hawking is also the same guy that says we should colonize Mars.

I believe very little this guy says.