Sunday, April 11, 2010

Chinese Python

While looking at some programming links I came across Python (which I have looked at briefly a few years ago). It another C-like language with its own syntax and of course its own unique features. This language has no blocks! No braces or 'begin' or 'end'.

ANY programming language like these just takes a while to get used to. Employers: don't doubt my ability.

Structured languages (C,C++,Pascal,Java,etc, that you compile) and functional languages (LISP, Scheme, etc, that gives you an interactive console read-eval-print) used to be completely separate things and the modern trend is: mix them up like making shrimp fried rice. Examples that I know of: Ruby, Python, Groovy.

People loves lists, maps, and nameless (lambda) functions! Ok, these things are nothing new. LISP has these in the 60s. The traditional types int,char,arrays in C/C++/Java are simply not trendy enough it seems.

A particular interesting thing I saw is
Chinese Python.

With Unicode, programming languages is not English only! But, English is the best universal language for programming. It is slower to type up Chinese isn't it? And, Chinese is only readable by your Chinese programmers, unless you pipe it to google translate or something. Portability has always been a goal of programming language isn't it?

Saved it in ANSI-mode instead? Boom, all your Chinese code becomes question marks.

Observation in the sample Python code in wiki.

你认为中文程式语言有存在价值吗 ? (Do you think Chinese programming languages has some values?)
"不然" is so old school term (I like it).
My take is this: 中文并没有作为程式语言的价值. (No, Chinese does not have value as a programming language)

Last note: Please don't name languages after fearsome looking animals like snakes, asp, or Python.

O'Reilly would of course put such fearsome looking thing in the cover of their books.

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