Monday, December 7, 2009


Here is a good use of "杯水車薪", in a news item about the climate summit. Who is going to give up profit for good of mankind? Will such meetings ever accomplish anything. Even if the president signs something is it really going to help the environment?

A carload is on fire, and you got 1 cup of water.

The world can only be saved if people are financially motivated to reduce CO2. How? reward industry with $ for improvement? If I know I would be the speaker a the conference.

I live near a park and in there. Once upon a time, there was a recycle bin. I dump used plastic bottles in there. Whoa! One day it is gone! I am now forced to dump it as regular trash. Who stole it?! Should I ask Daley to give the park another one?

My (new) workplace has such bins, but whoa! people put regular trash in there too! HOW DARE. If I am the office manager I FIRE anyone who misuses recycle bins.


Jade said...

Easy! You know what our mayor does with the "recycle" trash? Dumb it together with the regular ones. Let's fire the mayor first and we can go from there!

Anonymous said...
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Alex Mak said...

薪 means firewood. but the phrase does not say that the firewood is on fire. The Chinese language idioms are elegant and sometimes leave out important things.

global warming or not, the world should invest in green energy; just because for the most part we have figured out agriculture, transportation and the basics.

November was way too warm and it's going to be bitter cold today.

Is there global warming? What about allegations of fake data?