Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Response to "Why I Raise My Children Without God"

This is a parent's manifesto: Why I Raise My Children Without God

I applaud this article's honest, open thoughts. What are your thoughts? Come on, you have some.

1. God is bad parent and role model.
Waita minute, he did intervene as a parent. He kicked Adam and Eve out of Eden for not obeying. Wait minute, just for eating a certain not-allowed fruit? (Yes)

2. God is not logical
"Why did God allow this to happen" -> "It's not for us to understand". This is the great question of suffering. The classic answer is... if you know the answer you will be God yourself. Yes I know this is not so satisfactory. We just have to admit there are things we don't understand. I am sorry I don't have satisfactory answer either. This means: don't bother looking for an answer as there isn't one. The author is wishing God to be the true world policeman to stop bad things. If God had to intervene, and kill everyone doing bad things the world would have ended long ago. There is promise of Judgement Day... in which all things are resolved.
3. God is not fair
Answered prayer on silly things like winning a soccer match but denied the prayers of parents with dying children... I am sorry about children suffering and I am not sure if they can win soccer match just by praying alone. I am sorry I don't know how the prayer-answer system work, as I am not God.
4. God does not protect the innocent - See (2)
5. God is not present
One cannot actually prove or disprove he is here or not... because he is some higher being. But you can believe he is.
6. God Does Not Teach Children to Be Good
So this is about externally focused or internal structured... Yes, teach them to be internally structured good kids. I agree.
7. God teaches narcissism
"God has a plan for you." came from a little line in Jeremiah 29:11. Waita minute this is talking to Jeremiah (concerning the future of the exiled Israel people) and not you or me. But book authors infinitely enlarge this verse to give hope to the hopeless. This actually may not be a bad thing... but I wouldn't go so far to call it narcissism.

So we live in a world where there is no world policeman that stops bad things from happening. I wish that's the case but unfortunately it is not how the world works. Yes, We are helpless. We don't know when the next tragedy will come.

I would tell kids to practice their soccer. Do their best. (and that alone)

I would tell kids to be good not just because I'll watch them, or any higher being watching them (with hand gesture of 2 finger pointing to eyes then pointing at kid). (Just like the author)

Now for the suffering. We need sensible people who take real actions such as gun control(!) Are the psychological disturbed people getting enough help? (Something the government ought to think about)
People need to love their kids so they don't grow up resentful and be criminals.
For those who have extra $, donate to charity so you can do something that Jesus talked about: feed the hungry, give drink to thirsty, cloth the naked, etc. (Matthew 25:31-46)
You can make the world a better place...even you are no more special than the next creature around you.

And for daunting questions about God. Yes I know you have heard the book of Job, and I know you are lost in the text after chapter 2. Skip right into chapter 38.

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