Monday, October 22, 2012

Electric as future

One weekend. I saw 2 all-electric cars.

  1. The Nissan Leaf
  2. Tesla
And you think hybrid or electric cars are new? Nope, they are here 100+ years ago. See here.

I didn't take a look at the Leaf closely. But omg, the Tesla has no engine! The hood is a storage compartment.

I am seeing these cars as the way of future. This will reduce that pollution! Who the heck cares if gas is $5+ a gallon? (But wait, I am not sure what these cars would do to the electric bill yet).

Yes, electric cars maybe more expensive now. But I am sure price will come down as more competitions take place. About maintenance, will I be able to find mechanics that are able to fix it? Are these electric cars more reliable? But alas if someone bump to it will the whole car needs to be totalled?

Maybe I'll live to the day when gas cars are obsolete.


John Dolce said...

shearlingjackets said...
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