Friday, October 26, 2012

Windows 8 and Surface

Windows 8 debuts today! But it seems like nobody really cares.

When Office 2007 debuts I see ads all over the place, impossible not to notice. Yes there are many Surface ads around too. But seems not as much.

It certainly has come late in the game, when everybody who wanted a tablet probably already got one. How do I play with one on my hand? Gotta visit a Microsoft Store? It may not be near you. This thing should be available in every electronic store for me to evaluate.

I am afraid it won't dent the market share of the iPad.

Ok Windows, let me tell you this. I LIKE your interface more than the Mac. Pre-8 versions that is. I am afraid the Start menu at-your-face will make me change my view.

But I have a complain. My computer GETS SLOWER, close to unusable state, over time. Is it virus? is it needing hard-disk defrag I don't know. Hey I still have a lot of free disk space, don't think it is defrag issue and if I defrag I risk frying the system.

Your OS needs to be secure and defend itself against all the virus you hear? Is your Defender strong enough?

Why do you choose to debut it so close to the election?

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

This alone should cause Romney's to lose

ROMNEY: "Syria is Iran's only ally in the Arab world. It's their route to the sea."

THE FACTS: Iran has a large southern coastline with access to the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman. And it has no land border with Syria.

More fact checking here.

This demonstrates his failed elementary school level geography education. Ok ok I have to admit I have to pull out google map to verify the coastal lines.

But Obama also didn't get all the facts straightened out either.

Who do you think demonstrate better leadership? For the country and somehow for the world? Neither man is Mr. Perfect.

I predict Obama re-elected.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Electric as future

One weekend. I saw 2 all-electric cars.

  1. The Nissan Leaf
  2. Tesla
And you think hybrid or electric cars are new? Nope, they are here 100+ years ago. See here.

I didn't take a look at the Leaf closely. But omg, the Tesla has no engine! The hood is a storage compartment.

I am seeing these cars as the way of future. This will reduce that pollution! Who the heck cares if gas is $5+ a gallon? (But wait, I am not sure what these cars would do to the electric bill yet).

Yes, electric cars maybe more expensive now. But I am sure price will come down as more competitions take place. About maintenance, will I be able to find mechanics that are able to fix it? Are these electric cars more reliable? But alas if someone bump to it will the whole car needs to be totalled?

Maybe I'll live to the day when gas cars are obsolete.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Street Fighters in Disney

Oh my, Zangief and M. Bison (maybe others) is coming back to the movies. See it here. A Disney movie? Will I soon find M. Bison Halloween costume in the Disney store?

They better pay Capcom or copywright lawyers will be after them.

Street Fighters have many good characters and have lots of potential to be a very entertaining story. Of course Van Damme didn't do it right....

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Round 2: Obama's comeback

Watching a good debate is more interesting than watching NBA finals or the Olympics... because the issues matter to the viewers. Whoever wins the next sports championship is not really your business unless you sell those T-shirts.

Now is the president an all powerful figure that can single-handedly bring the unemployment, deficit and gas price down? I don't think so. A lot more people need to cooperate. And alas we see what I call Clowngress not able to pass anything.

To make an informed decision as to who to vote for it is important to listen to the candidates to see if you agree or disagree with their approach of solving the problems for this nation.

Both candidates accuse each other of not telling the truth. Fact checkers indicate both are lying in one way or another. Yet, the political stage is not the courtroom. You don't need to put your hand over the Bible and take a oath to tell the truth.

I am glad that Obama appears much more prepared and determined. He really needs to do that to stay in the game. Romney also appeared confident mostly.

Who won? I'd say Obama won. Just slightly. But Romney won overwhelmingly last time.

Looking forward for round 3.

Friday, October 12, 2012

JQuery Quickpager

Seen paging on websites? Well some people use ajax to load pages when you hit next, or a certain page. Some simply load them all first, and show-hide individual pages when you click on page links with client-side tricks.

Some will only load a subset base on page number as parameter. I did this years ago!

Here is a jquery library that can do this somewhat effortlessly. The approach is load them all and hide-show with styles.

Each item is a <li>

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Debate 1: Romney scores

Have you spoken in front of a crowd? It is harder than you may think... to communicate clearly and have points without being nervous. I encourage all college students to take a speech class. Take it Pass-Fail if there is such option as it is hard to not hurt your GPA unless you are real good. My lecturer decided to tape every speech and tell students to see your own speech to find out how to do it better. I didn't even want to see my own performance. Um, I didn't take it Pass-Fail and I ended up DROPPING the class. Ok that wasn't my highlight of my education.

And I have never participated in a debate. I expect that can be even harder as your opponent can throw you curve balls.

In a successful speech and debate, besides having well-prepared content, it is important to note non-verbal communication. You need to look confident, relaxed and able to respond to attacks.

Romney scored points last night. He set a good example of a good debate: he remained calm, have points and stayed on the offense without going overboard.

Obama appeared less prepared and not able to grab the show as he usually can do.

As an audience, I do not know for sure which of these candidates are correct about the various numbers throwing around. I guess I have to read someone's researches later.

During the last weeks of my college year I was kind of unprepared and unable to do well in job interviews. Hey I was studying and preparing for finals too. Perhaps Obama has been dealing with the problems of the world and didn't prepare enough for the debate.

This is just round 1. Two more rounds to come. and I am sure Obama can do better next time. Yes he can. This election is becoming more interesting.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Motion sensors have no place in the bathroom

HOW do you open some faucets in the bathroom? Just about every bathroom has a different type of control. Sure I can tell if I need to turn it. Sure I can tell if I need to lift it. For those with no control at all, that is supposed to be automatic. But just where do you trigger it? You can wave all day and water doesn't come out. If it takes more than 1 second to work it is too slow, ok?! There is the soap. The only valid way to dispense it is to hit it on top. Automatic is annoying, ok? I decide how much to dispense.

It is especially funny and helpless if I try to get water out but soap helplessly come out.

And the darn paper towel machine is also motion sensor-ed? Come on. I prefer simple lever. Or just put a pile let me take one.

Too much technology is too annoying. Get it out of the bathroom!