Monday, March 14, 2011

Pi vs Tau

Happy Pi Day at March 14.

It is interesting that π made it to news headline.

Pi is to be CELEBRATED. There is so many interesting things about this number.

Oh and pi is "under attack" as the news article says. Take a look at this Tau Manifesto.

Yes, yes, 2π is in a lot of formula, and by setting τ = 2 π you can tidy up a lot of formulas.

Well, π comes naturally to Archimedes... Circumference over diameter. Yes, it is quite natural to measure by diameter. Have you ordered pizza by radius?

So &pi = C/d ever since, and besides minor frustration over extra 2s in the formula, there is no need to throw away all the textbooks out there with tau.

The world has already gotten used to π

1 comment:

Scott said...

what about when you want to use A=πr^2???? Now you have to use (t/2)r^2?