Tuesday, March 22, 2011

AT&T again

I remember the day I had my FIRST cell phone. Cell phones were available for a long time I just didn't need one... my philosophy was this:
if you can't find me at home and can't find me at work, chances are: you don't need to find me. I got answer machines in both places
One day the weather was bad I made it to work and a cell phone company come to my company for promotion... gee, I could use it to call for help if I get stuck in snow.
So I got a phone, and it is in my glovebox. Thankfully I never needed it to call emergency.

The plan was 50 minutes a month.

I had it for several years. Then cell phone market exploded, my phone becomes a dinosaur.
Then AT&T becomes SBC then later I became a Verizon customer, and by then I needed to upgrade the dinosaur to something cool at the time.
My philosophy has changed: don't call me at home or at work, call my cell.

Verizon dares to not work well in places I needed most. I ditched it altogether and went with T-mobile for its mobile-to-mobile free feature.

Unlike some people I don't upgrade phones until they are broken... with the exception of my Android phone for programming on it.

Oh now AT&T takes T-mobile, and I will soon go back to AT&T. As a customer, all I care is... am I able to get calls, and is it affordable.

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