Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Grail - the search is over

Over centuries people have been fascinated by the "grail". The cup in which Jesus drank on the last supper. Of course the cup is never found and put in a museum. Even if it is found it won't have special powers. Look, the Bible tells you not focus on things! (Although in the Bible, Jesus's robe had healing power)

Well I'll leave religious discussions to continue to debate since the dawn of A.D. to interested individuals.

Nowadays Grails refers to a relatively new programming tool. Its original name is "Groovy on Rails". You may have notice "Groovy" as a term frequently seen in '60s things such as Austin Powers. This "on Rails" thing is of course comes from "Ruby on Rails", another tool that captured a lot of attention.

Functional languages (such as LISP) from the academic world is leaking to mainstream! "def" reminds me of "defun" from LISP and "define" from Scheme.

Groovy is based on Java. It adds additional things to it such as native syntax for list and maps, and it gives you an interactive console (like good old interpretive language such as BASIC or the functional languages like LISP or Scheme, or mathematicians favorite Mathematica)

But wait there's more... wow, it wraps around the most popular things in Java: Spring/Hibernate into simpler-to-use wrappings! That minimizes XML tweaks from hell. Ooh, it even includes tomcat and HSQLDB in the downlaod.

I am sure you'll agree Groovy is groovy if you go over a tutorial such as this one.

Ha, I long have believed (and implemented) in basic code generators. I long believed no one should be messing with XML configurations by hand. But I wouldn't go so far as to create my own programming language.
I long have questioned: gosh why make all these get/set methods for your private fields and not everything public? All your get/set methods are public anyway.

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