Wednesday, July 15, 2009

We want straight answers, candidate for Supreme Court

News is all over the first hispanic candidate for the supreme court.

The constitution's Check and Balance system demands senate approval of the president's pick. So senators ask her questions, straight questions: such as what is your view on abortion? She side stepped and side stepped. (like playing the games like Tekken or Soul Edge). Come on!

Well Obama didn't ask? Well the rest of the nation ask.

No straight answer => a no to nomination, if I can vote


Anonymous said...

well..just so i know, r u the joseph i'm talking about? let me know so i don't keep leaving messages if you really rn't the joseph i know.

but thanks for replying anyways. elaine

Joseph Mak said...

No I am not the Joseph you are looking for. I never been to Toronto for school.