Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Goodbye Michael

I only watched some of Michael Jackson's memorial service on CNN during lunch at my workplace yesterday.
Oh, Michael Jackson has a 11-year old daughter? I wasn't even aware.
I am sure her speech touched the heart of millions.

No doubt, Michael Jackson is the king of pops. No one even come close to his achievement. His songs, videos, performances in the 80s are just too excellent. His music shred all boundaries across regions and across ethnic backgrounds.

But after the 80s, his face... look so different! Is it plastic surgery? Just what is going on...
All the cases against him for child sexual abuse... did Michael actually do it? Why would he do such things.
His Neverland... he built one because no one take him to the playground when he was a kid?

I learned one thing about Michael in one interview I watched... his dad abused him a lot... Tied him up and beat him with belt! Ouch. The horrible childhood he had... must have had horrible consequences on his life.
Even millions of dollars and worldwide fame cannot mend the pain of child abuse.

* * *
No one disputes that Michael Jackson has amazing talent. His 1982 Thriller is still the all time best seller. However, in today's digital world, does anyone actually buy albums anymore? Most people now just download. Perhaps one day there will be a singer near the ability of Michael Jackson, will that singer sell as many CD as him?

No one buy CD -> no profit -> no good production -> No one buy CD... This is a vicious cycle.


Jade said...

I just found out that my mom is a big fan! I liked the Thriller video a lot also.

Alex Mak said...

Michael is an amazing dancer, but his backup dancers can do the same choreograph, no? Aren't they just as great?

Many think Michael is an amazing singer? but, he sings with a constant hiccup.