Thursday, September 25, 2008

Great Depression?

You may have seen this (classic) picture from your history lessons. (Also found in Wiki)

There are lots of talks about is America going into another Great Depression.

Many ill-educated lazy American students may not even heard of the Great Depression. That Wiki article featured very good information there.

It was horrible and lasted many years. People out of work all over and poverty all over.

America did not get out of the Great Depression until World War II. It is unthinkable to see America go into another one and getting out the same way.

Pumping 700 BILLIONS. Yikes, how much did the Iraq War cost so far? It is perhaps even more costly than the war. And just how many billions we need to rob American tax money?
Ok, will pumping that 700 billions SOLVE this issue? Or just patch it temporary?

Does the very subject of economics ever progressed since the Great Depression?
I expected all those Nobel Price guys learned from experiences and able to manage the financial world. If not, give that million dollar prize BACK.

1 comment:

Alex Mak said...

We're not near at Great Depression levels. Yes, today's crisis is a big expensive problem, but not as big as stock market crash as before. Another bubble burst, that's all.

Financial folks who is laid off during this crisis gets hit the hardest.

$700,000,000,000 is an unthinkable amount.
It will take my employer 300 years to make that kind of money. How many lifetimes will it take you and me to make that kind of money?

The amount is insane.