Friday, September 19, 2008

China needs much tighter quality control

The olympics put China in spotlight in a good way. Everyone was proud of China's progress (although that cute girl was only just lip-synching in the opening ceremony). Well China is in the spotlight again, in a negative way, with that kidney stone causing milk powder.

We have already seen lead paint toys and tainted dog food from China in their exports.

Tainted milk is actually not new. I have heard similar incidents a couple years ago, but not as widespread as this time.

I think the story is this: evildoers farmers add stuff to their milk to increase protein count in order to sell it to the milk company. Unfortunately the milk company only count protein. I am not sure if that stuff is detectable, but people MUST test their product safety.

How selfish are those evildoers, profit at expense of poor innocent babies. Punishment? They'll probably get shot after some meaningless trials. I would make those guys drink that stuff and have their kidney failed. However, shooting them may actually be more humane.

Just how much other stuff in China are tainted?

We should not just worry about milk powder: chocolate, cookies and many other stuff contains milk powder.

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