Friday, February 15, 2008

Another university shooting

We have seen enough shooting on campus. Last time it was a psychological disturbed person, this time it is a "normal" person without his medication at NIU. No motives. Nothing explains it. Just what kind of medication was he taking? Is someone suing that pharamaectical company about not warning: may cause shooting if patient stops taking this stuff.

Without a gun, it may only take a few guys to subdue even the craziest emotional disturbed kid even when the kid is without the medication. With a gun it is another story. So this guy was interested in sociology and criminal justice. Justice IS: we bring fair punishment to those who endangers the society. For instance, bank robbers get locked up in jail. We punish the evil doer AND keep him from hurting others. Toughest criminal justice question: what can we do to those who commit crazy crime THEN suicide? Ancient Chinese dark history recorded some people whipping the criminal's corpse to vent some form of punishment after death.

Americans really ought to think hard and seriously on gun control. It should be a high priority campaign issue. Politicians: TALK about it, tell me what you are going to do before you can earn my vote.

American soldiers often shoot innocent people at the warzones, while crazy people or evil criminals shoot our innocent people at supposedly safe places such as schools and shopping malls.

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