Friday, October 12, 2007

Huge CTA fare hike

From the site and bulletins all over the trains, if no additional funding from the state, on November 4th:

Rail fares will rise to $2.00 (using Chicago Card/Chicago Card Plus) or $2.50 off-peak and $3.00 peak (using Transit Cards or cash). Peak periods are 6:30-9:30AM and 4:00-7:00PM on weekdays.

Don't just read the first sentence. Look folks, this is not increasing 25 cents to $2.00. It is going up to whooping $3.00 if you use cash! (Is it a discrimination of some sort if you don't use the Chicago Card?) Just how many people are going to take the trains during non-peak hours?

CTA is now whining VERY loud for fundings. Their message urge: write or call up your state congressman.

I don't even know who are my congressmen. I am already an elite, I know the names of the 2 state senators to the US government. Go ask 100 random people from Illinois, I am sure not many able to tell you that. Ok, I am now supposed to find the name of the unknown state congressmen (not Durbin or Obama), and whine to them how much I need the CTA to stay at the ok-I-can-bear-with-fare of $1.75. Do you think they can help?

If the state government can relieve us from this, where did that money going to come from? Taxpayers like myself.

The end result will be people will boycott the CTA, and drive, and making commute miserable. CTA still won't get funding because less payers pay. Riders spend more time and money on commute. Lose-lose situation forseeable.

1 comment:

Alex Mak said...

The incompetence of the CTA, the city and the state is unbelievable. And what threats do they make? cut service (make even less money)

I have not taken the CTA for about 1 year now, and I'm glad.

The only way to make money for the CTA is to expand, not cut lines; Make people want to ride it.