Monday, October 8, 2007

Deadly Day for Marathon

I never go admire in oooh-and-ah for people who live in super huge mansions or drive sleek sports car. These guys may have inherited a fortune or got lucky in their investments, or even do something illegal... Ok even if they are in real successful in business in perfect upright way, how about live in a more humble life and donate some $ to the needy. But I admire in ooh-and-ah for those who can run marathons. No amount of money can buy a tough body.

It takes a lot of training and a lot of determinition. Anyone who can finish a 26 mile marathon, even not the slowest guy is a huge accomplishment. If any of my friends ask me to support them financially when they run for certain charities I would certainly give!

There is a downside of the marathon: they have to block roads for hours. Um, how about just running along the lakeshore back and forth? I am sure that is more than 26 miles. Don't block my neighborhood's traffic please.

There is even a darker side of marathon: it can be deadly, especially on a 90 degrees October day.

A 35-year-old police officer who looks perfectly healthy died at the marathon. The news says "it is not confirmed if it is heat related until an autopsy is performed". Duh, what else can it be? There are also hundreds taken to the hospital.

Dear folks, please check your hearts to make sure you are capable before running. Be sure to STOP and REST when you can't handle. There is no need to risk your life to the finish line.

Waita minute. Why do they run the 26 miles in the first place??

Ok it is a road-blocking, public, 'look-ma-I-am-tough-guy' sports event. The first marathon was ran because there was some Greek guy trying to run back to his hometown to announce their enemies are defeated. Unfortunately phones weren't invented back then. Both that Greek empire and their enemies are long gone. We now run marathons to challenge the human capability. Why do people twist and jump and somersault and all that in Olympics too? Also trying to max out human capability. I believe if we run perhaps just 5 miles, regularly, to maintain health, is good enough isn't it?

Perhaps the honorable police officer would live if it is not 90 degrees in October. His real cause of death cannot be found in the autopsy. It is the horror of global warming.
Too much damage has been done on earth and it is striking back. If all that determinition in marathon training is used to come up with solving such crisis, I believe there may be better days for earth tomorrow.

1 comment:

Alex Mak said...

moderate exercise is great. overdoing is not;

Lots of people need to constantly prove (to their moms?, or themselves) that they are still tough and in proud shape. Will a big old number prove anything?

Marathon runners have lots of respect from me.

I say regular and often exercise with weight training. Leave it to the sporty people do do marathons. Regular folk must not look like the burping idiots that can't stop eating on TV.