Monday, October 22, 2007

Calculus music

I found the following from the web:
Out of the songs here, I like this one.

Riemann Sums
(sung to the tune of Jingle Bells)

Riemann Sums, Riemann Sums
Counting Areas
Of rectangles whose widths get small
We need to count them all
Riemann Sums, Riemann Sums
Counting Areas
Of rectangles whose widths get small
We need to count them all.

We learn to integrate
It's really lots of fun.
It's easier to find
Than those old Riemann Sums
We learn to sub a u
When things get sort of hard
But most of all we tabulate
When we get sick of parts.
[repeat the refrain]

Note: Without the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, integrating would be a nightmare with Reimann sum... scientific progress would probably be HALTED. The fundamental theorem is such important result that it deserves such big name.


Alex Mak said...

ha ha ha!!!

Now that's talent.

Most schools destroy any interest of math to students by the few easy-ass example in the chapter and impossible exercise problems; and occasionally those with a asterisk - yikes.

Tons of tricks (e.g. integral by part) to get the area, was it worth it? The elite will get it, and learn to love the tricks and apply them (that's you). Most people stuff the tricks up their sleeves, use it mean-keung-ly (with effort) to pass the exams - get a C and sometimes a B and get turned off forever. (that's me)

I kicked ass as a math student, too, but all I can get are low grades. Damn curves. Damn TA's that couldn't communicate.

"De-ga-va-tive" and "Yin-yin-YIN tar grow"

Joseph Mak said...

Curves are the single most misused math concept. It denies the possibility of everyone get good grades, just certain percent must fail. Stat is not my cup of tea.

To fix math curriculum. Monster thick textbooks must go. Ok I am not in business of fixing education at this point in life.