Friday, October 26, 2007

Crime Prevention and Freedom

California is burning, for days. More than half a million people need to evacuate. Hundreds of homes destroyed. Headaches ahead for insurance companies measuring up the claims. The number of origins of fires indicate perhaps it was not caused by natural causes such as lightning, rather, by evil arsonists. Are we under fire attack from Al quealda? Experts say arsonists may not be external enemies of United States, it can be wacky kids obsessed with fire, disgruntled people seeking revenge, or oh-my-gosh firefighters themselves who want to show heroism.

Whatever it is, it is horrible destruction. I am suprised I haven't heard ultra conservative people saying it is an Act of God punishing those who practice um, inappropriate lifestyles in California.

If it was really arson, the guys who did this deserve burning at the stakes. Save that lethal injection to someone else. The trouble is: it is hard to prevent such horrible acts. Who is watching every forest for such offenders? It would be very hard to catch this guy.

One solution is the government creating patroling robot thrones like those seen in the video game Half Life 2. Those things monitor EVERYONE! OMG, that is totalitarianism like those in Half Life 2 and in the classic novel 1984.

Waita minute, Chicago (and many other places) already have such things: the police cameras at intersections that detect speeding and running red lights. We are one step toward totalitarianism!

How much freedom are we willing to give up to prevent crimes? Now that's a PhD thesis material.

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