Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Can Barbie do Computer Engineering

The book titled Barbie: I Can Be a Computer Engineer is saying the opposite. Oh she is inept and needs his (male) friends' help in the game.

Ok, just what's wrong with having an idea and have someone else turn to a real game? Sometimes it is the idea that counts. People liked Pac Man and Tetris for its game play not the nuts and bolts of its code, right? Many inept people get paid more telling people what to do than people who actually know how to make things happen. Is Barbie better off telling Steven and Brian to do something rather than get hand dirty?

Now some ladies are going to be fired up because girls are portrayed as weaklings who can't code. Certainly not true.

People writing Barbie books ought to know better?

Now, what will people think if she needs help from her female friends? um, let's say Anne and Jane?

Now, about "computer engineering"... Is it programming little game involving puppy doing little tricks? To me it has something to do with things like circuits, logic gates, adder, multiplexer things and much more. How many jobs opening on that do you see on these low level things? almost none. How many jobs to do little database programs, little websites? much more.

People writing Barbie books ought to know better.

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