Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Long long time ago there was a programming language known as BCPL. Then there was B, then there was C! Unix is written in C and that become de facto standard of programming. Structured programming was much much better than hacking assembly.

Object oriented programming came in and shook the software world. C needed an update. Should it be called P, the next letter in sequence? or should it be called D, the next letter in the alphabet? I've heard that the marketing guys avoided "D".

The OO successor of C was ingenuously called C++! The C operation ++ was attached to the name of the language!

Then there was java, completely different name without any attachment to BCPL name or the alphabet, created out of frustration of the ugliness of C++ (but slowly it is gaining the ugly stuff such as templates!)

Microsoft's relationship with Sun got sour... It needs its own C++ based modern language... what should it be called? Oh my, smart name, C# as in the next music note!

Today I discovered a rather little known, rather obscure new C-derived language, called D.

Do we need another language?
The trend nowadays is everyone create their own new languages. Enter Perl, Ruby, (someone will soon do Emerald?), Phyton etc... As if their goal of their lives is to tell their mom: "look mom! I've got a new language!" The world seems to fall in love with templates and closures.

This D language has many rather obscure stuff. My prediction is that it will not fly.
Java and C# are here to stay. We only need a new language if it is revolutionary.

Anyone ever thought of naming the next C like language something C+=? so you start with C+=2, then C+=3, ....

1 comment:

Joseph Mak said...

A reader of this blog informed me about an evolution of C++ that I've never heard of: C++0x!

C++ has evolved beyond recognition!
copy constructors already stink.