Monday, November 4, 2013

Before you laugh at

No I have not tried to sign up for Obamacare and see it crash. I just heard about this thing is not working and it is the subject of (inter)national humiliation. Not enough testing? Millions money already been spent? Is that project manager going to be grilled like Hilary on foreign matters to a bunch of people who don't probably know how to write some lines of code.

Oh and there is going to be "Tech surge" where top people will jump in to help?

Some even say the best way to fix it is to start from scratch.

Ok, putting more people at a broken project is probably not going to help... The smart people being put on there would have no idea how things are supposed to work immediately... Yes, perhaps it may be best to tear it down and rebuild. But can someone say just what is broken with it... it is hardware/software not able to handle volume or just incomplete stuff pushed out? I've seen some news reporting about some crash with an error message of "cgi". See here.

I am sorry, CGI?? That's like 1990s! Come on. Thia project is definitely given to the wrong people. /* Common Gateway Interface (CGI) is the first method of handling processing way back in the infant age of the web... it needed to create a new process to handle every request and that is not able going to able large volumes. */ Every software developer should know that CGI is so passe.

If the United States can put people on the moon, have the best military in the world, I'm like "yes we can!" in producing something that works reasonably well. This is classic case of poorly managed bureaucratic project failure.

But before you laugh at it, are you absolutely sure that the projects you work on will work smoothly without issues? There are unknowns... code dumped to you... assumptions you were given that is wrong. You are supposed to know how to use certain products but actually no one told you how to do certain things. There are rare problems that work fine perfectly on your machine/browser but not in other people's machine. Issues can go on and on. Too many people (even smart ones) on a project can actually hurt it as communications get harder... I'll say like just a handful (like 10) great people team can do this... given a good architecture to start with and all requirements clearly established. and it shouldn't cost millions of dollars. Some people charge too much! Make them pay you back.

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