Tuesday, November 12, 2013

2-in-1 machines

In the old days there are laptops and desktops... based on where the computers are sitting: Sit on desk? desktop. Sit on lap? laptop. Actually I haven't seen that many people actually put laptops on their laps.

The tablet (mainly the iPad) has been wildly successful and it is amazing that computers can be that thin. Yes excellent to just tap and slide on it... until you need to get work done you need a keyboard. People are very creative in doing this... some are wireless bluetooth. Prefer tablet and keyboard in one piece? There are (strong) magnetic attraction like the Microsoft Surface and there are other twist-and-turn and even swing like approaches forming the 2-in-1 devices.

Oh, these are known as "Ultrabooks" now. See here

These are all pretty but non-Apple products. I am sure these all work well but they probably won't sell well.

Now come none of these twist-and-turn yoga models catch on? Have you actually seen people using one? (I have not)

That's because that's bells-and-whistle that people don't need. A regular open-it-up laptop do JUST FINE. I don't want/need to twist-and-turn.

The real problem is: they run Windows 8.

These excellent products are all competing against each other in the shrinking PC market where these are stuck with the horrible Metro interface.

To save the PC business... PC Makers should probably give people an option to get Windows 8, or a Linux distribution already installed...

Did Microsoft compare themselves with Coke Classic? Coke Classic completely whack the ill-fated Coke II formula. To follow the success of Coke Classic, I think Microsoft should completely dump the Metro for a better desktop than Windows 7. Keep the faster boot time. Keep the anti-virus pre-installed. Bring back the not-as-boring title bar, Bring back an improved Chess Titan! Add Soduku!

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