Friday, April 5, 2013

Goodbye Roger Ebert

The legendary acclaimed movie critic Roger Ebert is gone... sad for Chicago and for the entire movie industry. I liked watching Siskel and Ebert... both are gone. If they end up in heaven I hope they can still view movies on earth... but they probably have even better things to do there.

I agree with most of Ebert's reviews. I sometimes need to read Ebert's review after a movie to try to understand what I watched.

Alas, if you go to to dig out an old review, you will get some embarrassing error:

SOSEScript: bossV2Searchjson.php5 failed executing with the 
following error: Error on line 954 position 1: 
Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
"Powered by Yahoo". This is EMBARRASSING. Fix it!

Alas, cancer stole his jaw.

My dad at one point says, "look, you don't need to excel in all subjects to become a legend, if you do ONE thing well, very well, you can get all the dollars and fame you want" and he pointed to some legendary comic artist. Ebert watch movies and be able to write about and talk about it intelligently and voila become a legend. Others tried and just never quite achieve the status of Ebert.

I suppose those who miss Ebert's reviews would want to search for it. Sun Times better fix it. Come on, how hard is it to do a search in your php?

1 comment:

Alex Mak said...

Amen. exactly what I wanted to blog about too. Goodbye, Ebert.