Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Boston Explosion

OMG, terrorism strikes America again! This is the biggest act of terror on America after 9/11 at the Boston Marathon. How sad is this... At this point no one is responsible yet. Don't jump to conclusions too quickly. It may not be the al Queada, it may be some mad man right here in America.

I do believe people will eventually find out who did this.

I frequently check the news lately. Is North Korea actually sending nukes at someone? at its intended location? Alas, there are actually many bombing and killings around the world around this time too. This news is in boldface big font because it is occurring in America. and there is an earthquake killing dozens at the Iran-Pakistan. We cannot prevent natural disasters.. but human disasters... come on, what gain do you get when you kill a few innocent marathon athletes and their supporters? The guy is got to be mad at something... or insane. or want to revenge America for something. That 8 year old and other victims didn't harm you, you hear? Killing the innocents does not solve your problems!

The CTA has this sign all over the place: if you see something say something.

Unfortunately, hundreds of people at the marathon still wasn't able to see something, say something, and prevent such thing. We are so helpless against the next disaster.

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