Thursday, March 22, 2012

17 Equations

I may be getting this book: In Pursuit of the Unknown: 17 Equations That Changed the World. Look at that cover, how many of these do you recognize? I think it will be a fun survey to ask American college students how many of these they understand. Come on, you know the Pythagorean Theorem, right? (but you probably don't realize how awesome that is). However, I probably don't want to know the answer, that may be too disappointing.

I especially like the way the author enlarge each equation and describe each variable.

However, given just a handful pages each, it is hard to describe some of these monumental equations in depth... but it should be good introduction.

No, I don't understand fully all of these glorious 17 equations either.

1 comment:

Joseph Mak said...

Additional note about 17: Every math enthusiast should know about Gauss and the 17-gon

See here