Thursday, December 15, 2011

End of War

The end of the Iraqi war is finally here. This is an excellent news coverage.

So our nation is tricked into war for Weapons of Mass Destruction. And the guy who says that just get away with that? Imagine this, I say FIRE and call 911 but there isn't fire. I probably will get charged for this misdemeanor, right?

For Americans, the ceremony on Thursday marked an uneasy moment of closure, with no clear sense of what has been won and lost. As of last Friday, the war had claimed 4,487 American lives, with another 32,226 Americans wounded in action, according to Pentagon statistics.

It was wrong to go to this war. Wrong for the thousands of Americans to lose their lives, and wrong for the many more civilians who lost their lives too. It is billions of dollars lost too.

This war ended in confusion: there is no clear sense of what has been won and lost.

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