Friday, October 7, 2011

Goodbye Steve Jobs

The world saddened to learn the news that Steve Jobs passed away at 56. He revolutionized the world in many ways. Recent Apple products set the world on fire.
Pancrea cancer grabbed his life so young. It has also taken the life of Randy Pausch, the inspiring professor who has given the Last Lecture.

Most people if not all tends to like Steve Jobs. On the other hand, Bill Gates also revolutionized the world in many ways, yet Gates is probably not as popular. I guess people are just jealous of him being the richest man in the world selling Window$.

I think Apple's success has a lot to do with its uniqueness.

Apple's one button simple interface has to do with Steve Jobs' buddhist religion, which defines Apple's unique minimalist approach.
Jobs decides to use metals or great colors while the rest of world uses beige (or black) boxes for computers.

Yes, people judge anything by its covers! and by strategic advertising.

Not all Apple products were successful, however. Notably the Apple Newton. I never played with one myself, just how bad it was?

I am never a big Apple fan.

My biggest complain with Apple is its embracing of Objective C, acquired from its NeXt OS.

If Apple uses a more intuitive language such as Java, even C++, that will allow developers to have a easier time programming for the Mac products.

Apple won't play Flash. <period>. The world doesn't complain loud because people like Mac products so much and this is just a minor "shortcoming". Flash sites just have to give in. If you have an IPhone, you MUST use AT&T (or Verizon). I want freedom.

Everyone should try to learn a lesson or two from Steve Job's remarkable success story.

Here is one lesson. Even if you have a LOT of money and access to the best doctors, when the lord of death comes it is time to go.

Thanks to Steve Jobs for revolutionizing the world. Thanks to awesome engineers who make those gadgets possible.


Jade said...

I'm still sad about his leaving. The world lost a great person.

Alex Mak said...

Apple also don't play Blue Ray