Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Men in trouble

Look folks, men are in trouble.

The message coincides with many ideas of another book I read by James Dobson... men are in trouble. Many guys refuse to grow up and are so incapable. More men (20%) are not even working, distant from family. "Where are the decent men?"

Ok, here is my question: where are the decent women? Having a good education and job automatically make you "decent"?

I am sure there are thousands of decent men in the army, and we are sending them to Iraq and Afghanistan to risk their lives.

And the blame is on video games (as the picture show). Yes, too much video game is bad for you. However, some video games may be good for you. It develops your problem solving skills and hand-eye coordination, and it is good stress relief.

We may need to say to a number of our twenty-something men, "Get off the video games five hours a day, get yourself together, get a challenging job and get married." It's time for men to man up.

Sadly, those unman men are not going read anything to get enlightenment to become a man.

But yikes, where are the jobs?! No job => go right back into the video games.

Another blame is on movies. Is a movie about an upright man with kids interested in calculus going to win at the box office? Maybe. If the plot of the movie is about discovering the fundamental theorem of calculus. Ok, hollywood, go ahead, make such movie.

To fix men, one step is to fix the economy.

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