Friday, November 13, 2009

Wacky C#: yield return

Right off from the canonical "C# Language Specification".

static IEnumerable Range(int from, int to) {
for (int i = from; i < to; i++) {
yield return i;
yield break;
static void Main() {
foreach (int x in Range(-10,10)) {

What the heck is "yield return"? The purity of return statement is whacked. It seems each yield return is for each of the items in that IEnumerable.

I saw this example too, in another place, where Fib is of course the (fabulous) Fibonacci numbers:

public static IEnumerable Fib(int a, int b)
yield return 1;
yield return 1;
yield return 2;
yield return 3;
yield return 5;


static void Main()
foreach (int i in Fib(1, 5))
Console.WriteLine("{0} ", i);

I'll list more wackiness when I see them


Alex Mak said...

C# is so not a Java copycat that many people believe it to be.

C# has its oddities, but it is the best language to develop for Windows, still and possibly forever will be the dominant platform. Therefore, we programmers must learn C#.

Not every app runs on the web.

yield is an unfamiliar feature not entirely without merit.

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