Saturday, November 7, 2009

I AM smarter than a 5th grader

I bought an authentic "Are you Smarter Than a 5th Grader" game at TJMax's discount bin for just $5. It has 3D images of students and Jeff Foxworthy and a 3D studio that you can view around, and of course a lot of questions. I won! I AM smarter than a 5th grader.

Ok, I have to admit sometimes I don't win, I may even flunk out with $0.

The million dollar topic was English, and the question was:

What kind of verb is "grow" in the following sentence:
"The flowers grow."

The million dollar question has no kids to help you and no multiple choices. Are YOU smarter than a 5th grader?

I love that theme song, that purity of kids singing is so great.

Ok, you can also play online here.

* * *

Going to a job interview is like playing that game, LUCK is involved in the type of questions you get.


Alex Mak said...

um, action verb?

Joseph Mak said...

not action verb.

Joseph Mak said...

seems like I don't have enough blog readers to start a thread. The answer is "transitive"