Tuesday, May 5, 2009


This headline is good news:
Fears of flu rebound as Mexico seeks 'normalcy'

Although H1N1 is widespread... and everyone is sad for the unfortunate kid who died, H1N1 seems not as deadly as previous pandemics.
So people began to relax a bit as we return to "normalcy". But everyone should continue to wash hands and keep things clean. Avoid the animals if you can.

The term "normalcy" may not be a formal English word, but it has some background in US History. It was the slogan of Warren Harding, the 29th US president.
See here for details. Candidates sometimes invent words to reach out to their audience.

Survey 100 college students. I am not sure if you can find many who can identify Harding as a former president.

For many students, history are learned and forgotten as life return to their normalcy after their education.

However, learning history doesn't mean we need to become a database ready to retrieve odd historical fact and figures.
So Harding was in 1920s students ought to at least know what "abnormalcy" the country was in.

Yes, it was the Great War (World War I).

Unfortunately, the world didn't not have a long period of peace before another great war emerge.

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