Friday, May 1, 2009

H1N1 in HK

So the Swine Flu needs to be more accurately named H1N1, and there is now a confirmed case in Hongkong. See this News item.

This H1N1 seems to be spreading in more countries than SARS in 2003. But during SARS it seems like we are totally clueless to such flu... This time factories crank out more Tamiflu. But is Tamiflu the magic solution?

This time it seems like people are more experienced dealing with pandemics and smartly closed schools to clean up as pre-caution... One kid (or grown-up) lost is one lost too many. H1N1 also seems to be not quite as deadly as SARS, I hope it stays that way.

I really hope this will be over soon.

What is least talk about is: what is the origin of this? I heard stories about a really bad sanitial condition at a pig farm in Mexico causing it. Yikes, come on people, clean up!

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