Monday, April 27, 2009

Swine Flu

Yikes, the Mexican swine flu is getting serious! It has made headline on top of unemployment news and other economic woes.

SARS in 2003 was such nightmare in China and Hong Kong. America was miracously not affected. But this time it is much closer. Consider the number of people traveling to and from Mexico. I hope it will be contained... Perhaps we must kill off those pigs like those chickens that were destroyed during SARS... It is brutal but that may be the only effective way.

America's health care system is all about hungry money grabbing doctors and hospitals. No money no insurance no talk. If it hits poorer folks who can't afford doctors they will continue to spread it. I can't imagine seeing heroic doctors trying to risk their lives saving patients especially those with no money.

Diseases can certainly hurt the already weak economy even more... US should take as much as action as possible to prevent another global disaster.


Anonymous said...

Seven ways to protect yourself:

Jade said...

Seven ways to protect yourself: