Thursday, August 23, 2007

Maddening weather

Lightning! Thundercrashes! followed by pouring rain! I saw water rushing out from my neighbor's gutters! Then, a lightning lighted up the sky and when it is done flashing my monitor become black! I've got a power outage! My lightbulb still works, but half as bright. Then it is gone too. My land based phone also stopped working. The only working device I have at home is my cell phone!

How powerless are we without electrical power. No TV, no computers, no light, nothing. Fortunately electricity came back on after a few hours.

It is unusual to see such big rain in Chicago lasting for so long. We are lucky. Wisconsin is all flooded and homes destroyed, and lightning kills! Yikes, maddening weather.

Is global warming striking us?

Unfortunately there is little we can do to undo the damages done to the environment as we watch Dean and other alphabetically ordered hurricanes continue to strike.

Fortunately not in Chicago.

1 comment:

Alex Mak said...

I don't think the severe weather problems is a bo-ying of global warming. It's typhoon/hurricane season, there are storms year after year, even before the industrial revolution.

Water problems show the sneakiness of insurance companies. That wouldn't insure anything, insurance people are not helpful neighbors (as in TV ads) but weasels. All they do is take premiums, if they ever lose, the customer pay them back.

Insurance companies buy lots of mostly useless and expensive software. They employ lots of people, mostly layers of useless middle management so I am OK with insurance companies...