Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Passing away of a friend's husband

At a funeral years ago, my dad told me another phrase: "as you approach middle age, you will attend funerals more often" 人到中年多殯送. He said a fact of life. We welcome kids as we say good bye to folks from previous generation... Eventually we all must go someday. Fortunately I didn't actually go to many funeral services since that one.

We expect the real elderly people to go. Sometimes we don't remember we all have to go one day. However, we don't expect younger ones to go. We do not expect a young daddy of 2 girls to suddenly get unrecoverable diseases and go.

Yet it did happened.

It was just a few years ago I helped them in their wedding, wishing them happily ever after.
Their vow was something this: "No matter rich or poor, health or sick, happy or sad, we'll be together". They lived through the ultimate test of love for each other in the last days. If you've found the love of your life, it is a life worth living.

I won't bother asking the most basic question: "why?" I never get a satisfactory answer.

It's not over yet. "See you in heaven" is the final episode. Life time on earth is perhaps at most 100 years? Compared to eternity, even 100 years is short.

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