Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Most unbelievable election

The result are in. Trump Wins. 279 to 228 Electoral Votes. (as of this post)

Wait! Hillary has more popular votes! 59,729,015 is more than 59,509,990. (Hillary didn't win by much) Nope, only electoral counts.

There were only FOUR other candidates who had the same fate: See

Now Trump will FOREVER remain in US History. There were polls right before election that Hillary has a few points lead. And many articles about Trump needed to win a lot of swing states to win... and he did. Much better candidates like McCain and Romney didn't win as many swing states. How does he do that?!

Not get along with your own political party and still win? Talk about grabbing women by p____y and still win. Have a fraud university and still win. Make all sorts of outrageous comments and still win. Skip paying tax and show tax return and still win. Sexually assaulted dozens of women and still win. What is going on here.

This isn't a close one like Bush vs Gore in 2000. It was a big win.

That private email server bothers Americans that much? or simply voters have no clue.

Boom stock tumbles (but came back up, why?), world in fear. And you give the guy access to all the nuclear weapons. If we have them why don't we use them.

Yes, this is a dark day for America. I'm like yeah-right you are moving to Canada? People talk about but rarely ever actually do anything dramatic.

Now, now... is the plan elect him first then impeach later to get rid of him for good?

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