Friday, August 21, 2015


Boom! BOOOM! Huge explosion at Tianjin, China a couple weeks ago. Gotta see some video footage to see the power of the blast. Search for it in youtube. For example, here.

Now lots and lots of questions remain and probably never be answers. The government has always been known for reporting much smaller number of deaths than actual numbers. Why? How come so much explosives stored in one place and so close to residential area? So do the firemen even know that there are such chemical things that should not be put out by water and water caused it to explode bigger? Cyanide... why are there so much of these things there. How bad has the air and water been contaminated? So many questions so little answers... OMG, the new cars' tires are melted... some people may have vaporized.

When someone asked a very legitimate question on live news conference: "According to regulations, how far away should hazardous materials be stored from residents?". The broadcast has stopped! This is really a shame. See here. And dude, 1 km is not a very long distance even if that law is enforced.

Thailand explosion is another recent story... probably has something to do with terrorists. I'm like come on. Leave regular people alone! Enough of this non-sense!

Now was Tianjin explosion an accident? or terrorist attack? Any other dangerous ports out there?

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