Thursday, July 16, 2015

Pluto flyby

Wow, such great human achievement for New Horizons to go all the way out to Pluto... the last of the original 9 planets. Those great pictures taken would entertain the scientists and enthusiasts for a long time. Now do we have some vivid pictures from stars and galaxies even further away? Saw some of those in over-sized books at bookstores that no one buy.

It is so remarkable to be able to send a little spacecraft that far away to a moving target. Such awesome calculations, who says math is useless? I am not so sure why the Hubble Telescope can't take a good look at Pluto when it can look at things even further away. (Ok, I need to read this, plenty of (basic) math in this explanation, again who says math is useless).

This little planet has 5 little moons... travel in a radically different path than other planets... and now we know there is a heart shaped thing on Pluto. Now this little spacecraft is also quite remarkable. It's got a nuclear battery! Wow it can convert decaying plutoninum into electricity!

This is such incredible milestone of space exploration. I am glad it didn't crash into something in the Asteroid belt. How far can it go? Will it ever lose contact?

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