Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Singapore Prime Minister can write a program to solve Sudoku

You gotta be impressed. A prime minister not only know how to run a country but write code: to solve Sudoku.

You can see his source too. See that link above.

I ensure you not too many people can actually do this despite their degrees in computer science and having inflated titles like "architect" or "software director".

I did this years ago, first a text version, then a GUI version on Android:

Nobody cared because I am no prime minister. There are much better sudoku solvers out there. Some can even take a picture of puzzle and solve for you. Sudoku however seems to lose its magic... haven't seen people play with one on the train lately. I guess phone games are lot more fun.

But this Sudoku problem really should interest computer science students. Something that involves systematic trial and error deserves a programmatic solution.

So I am impressed, Prime Minister.

Lately, the US is much obsessed of being like Singapore. "Singapore Math" is now a buzzword for teaching math... they are the top of chart, Americans are much more behind. But if I take a brief look at it here... I actually don't see anything too special with it?

But look, math knows no political boundary. There isn't Singapore math or American math... It is just... math. If the media focus less on mocking students who knows a thing or two as nerds, have an environment that encourage learning, of course Americans can do better. If the environment is: football players are cool, math students are uncool nerds, Americans can remain the bottom of the bottom. Gotta lift the status of matheletes! You test test test them and declare them failure... how about telling them right answers. Standardized tests should have a follow up explanation session! That will alone transform education: so kids know what they do wrong and know how to do better next time.

Now another thing about Singapore... The delicious Singapore noodles is actually a Hong Kong invention.

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